Monday, May 5, 2008

A Blind World

Ever since Bea brought this article to my attention I haven't been able to stop thinking about Elisabeth Fritzl. I read another article on CNN this morning stating that the father is claiming insanity and getting out of his imprisonment. Instead he is going to be in a psychiatric hospital. I can't help thinking about the 19 year old teenager who has never seen natural sunlight her entire life. The damage this man has done to several people of his family is unimaginable and because of this I found it unfair that he would be getting out of his deserved punishment by claiming insanity. There is no doubt in my mind that a sane person would not be capable of committing such an act but I just find the potential verdict too lenient. But then again I can't think of a fair punishment that would measure up to what he did.

I guess what has really stayed with me is the fact that there are similar things going on all around the world and not being noticed. Maybe we are too preoccupied with Afghanistan and Iran and what the security alert of the day is. I just don't understand how someone could get away with such a thing for 24 years! I can't stop thinking about his wife and the life she was leading. Sometimes I go back and forth and start blaming Elisabeth and her mother for not taking more drastic measures towards the cruelty of this man. But then again I get upset for thinking that because I think about how naive of me it is to even try to put myself in their position. There are more Saddams around the world but they don't have a specific religion or they don't speak a specific language. They don't live on the axis of evil and are not necessarily part of cults. I wish we would just open out eyes more and see the things that really matter...

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